Human Rights

Labour and Human Rights

NextEnergy Solar Fund work with our counterparties to ensure that they abide by our human rights related principles, as outlined in NESF’s Modern Slavery Statement, NextEnergy Group’s Sustainable Investment Policy and NEC Human Rights Statement.

To this extent, NextEnergy Group has included human rights related criteria into our solar PV module framework agreements (see ‘Supply chain’). We have also added an obligation for our EPC and O&M contractors and all suppliers to respond to our ESG Due Diligence and to abide by our Code of Conduct for suppliers, which include amongst others, environmental, working condition and human rights related

Human Rights and Modern Slavery:

NESF respects fundamental human rights principles and is against any form of slavery and forced labour, as stated in its Modern Slavery Statement.

The Group’s commitment to respecting human rights is guided by the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights; NESF also recognises both the OECD Guidelines on Multinational Enterprise and the UN Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights as key frameworks through which to identify and manage human rights associated with our operations, our supply chain, and our business relationships.