Our Energy Storage Assets

Operational Standalone Energy Storage Assets 31.03.2024 1
Standalone Energy Storage Installed Capacity 31.03.2024 50MW
Development Standalone Energy Storage Projects 31.03.2024 1
Development UK Standalone Energy Storage Projects 31.03.2024 250MW
Operational Co-located Battery Storage Assets 31.03.2024 2
Operational Co-located Energy Storage Capacity 31.03.2024 1MW

Why Energy Storage?

Energy Storage Assets have a pivotal role to play in the penetration of renewables globally.  They are a highly complementary technology to Solar Photovoltaics and are uncorrelated, providing further diversification to the portfolio from a technology, revenue and geographic perspective.

NextEnergy Solar Fund has partnered with Eelpower, a specialist in the battery sector, to create a joint venture partnership targeting £300m worth of battery investments.   The fund has also created a retro fit, co-location battery program, to identify potential battery sites on the fund existing operating solar assets.